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Ready for change?

Are you ready for a career change but wondering ‘what’s next?’.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, looking at only the roles you are qualified for, not the roles that suit you. Or to stay in a role just because it pays the bills.

You deserve better.

My Future U Coaching career guide will help you find the answer.

Using a detailed, analytical approach, my career guide report will help you to:

  • Explore: discover amazing careers and positions for which you are best suited. 
  • Search: the interactive career portal to see all the unique careers that are suitable for you.
  • Discover: learn in detail about each career and the qualifications required. 
  • ​Recognise: identify the most enjoyable aspects of a career for you specifically.
  • ​Select: weed out the elements of a job you don’t enjoy, potentially saving years of trial and error.
  • ​Analyse: acknowledge and reinforce your greatest strengths. 
  • ​Get ready: use the behavioural insights to prepare your career story ready for job interviewers so you make a positive impact. 
In addition to the report, you receive a one-hour coaching session to discuss your personalised career guide and how to take the next steps.


I felt stuck in a rut and needed a career change but didn’t know how to go about it until I spoke to Rob who fully understood my situation and suggested the right pathway for me to help me get my dream job. I highly recommend him to everyone who is in a similar situation.

Archana R


I made the smart decision to work with Rob when I was approached about a new position which would involve a career change. He listened to my challenges, asked me great questions to help me work things out and when I was stuck, he shared his knowledge and experience to guide me through. I found that Rob’s observations, ideas and advice were crucial in helping me make the right choices. I would strongly advise you to reach out to him. Rob is an attentive, sensitive, trustworthy coach with a wicked sense of humour.

Nicole W


Robert Cugno

Career Coach and Founder of Future U Coaching

With a combined 25 years experience in Education, Leadership & Coaching where I was regularly offered new and exciting roles at higher and higher levels I decided it is time to help others by sharing the roadmap, tips and secrets that helped me (and others) to achieve career change and success.

I created this career coaching business with one purpose …

To inspire people (like you) to find their dream career by sharing my roadmap so they too can enjoy a fabulous career and a happy life.
Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.