Career Happiness

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Do I need a career coach? It depends

I know what you’re thinking. A blog titled “Do I need a career coach?” written by a career coach. You’re thinking this is going to be a long-winded sales pitch about how great career coaches are blah blah blah. But my answer may surprise you. The truth is, no, not

By |2022-02-17T16:25:18+11:00June 14th, 2021|Career Advice, Coaching|

Build Your Knowledge, Build Your Worth

Learn More and earn more? The facts prove it - when you build your knowledge, you build your worth. This is true for both formal education (as in qualifications) and informal education (professional development, on-the-job training and developing soft skills like emotional intelligence). As a career coach, I often hear

By |2022-02-17T16:26:10+11:00June 6th, 2021|Career Advice, Employment|

How to speak up for yourself at work

Knowing how to speak up for yourself at work is a critical career-building skill, particularly as you climb the ladder into leadership positions. Do you ever feel trapped into saying ‘yes’ or worse still saying nothing at all when you’re served the raw end of the prawn? It’s not unusual,

By |2022-02-17T16:27:04+11:00May 15th, 2021|Career Advice|

Tame Your Inner Critic & Conquer Your Career

Is your inner critic holding you hostage in a career you don’t love? All of us have an inner voice of self-doubt that whispers or shouts us down. But that doesn’t mean you have to allow your inner critic to control your life.  You can tame your inner critic, put

By |2022-02-17T16:30:42+11:00February 1st, 2021|Career Advice|


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