Are you unhappy with your job? Do you feel like you are stuck in a career that you don’t enjoy? Turns out, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a recent survey of 4800 Australian workers, you’re in the majority.
According to the survey, conducted by Survey Sampling International on behalf of SEEK Learning, not only were less than 50% of Aussie workers happy with their jobs, only a small percentage of those were actively looking to do something about it.

Sound depressing right? Well, I think it is.

I started Future U Coaching when I hit this low point in my career. I was unhappy, confused, a little bit lost about what the rest of my career could look like. I did not know what I wanted to do but knew I didn’t want to keep doing what I was doing. I wanted to job that took me back to doing the thing I love. Somewhere along the journey of my career I lost sight of what that was.

As a career coach, my clients range from young adults to people over the age of 50. They all have their unique career problems. It is satisfying to hear the good news of a person that finally starts to see the results they deserve that leads to a rewarding career.

Check out my website to read the success stories:   Future U Coaching

Enough about me, let’s look at how a career coach can help you.

What You Can Expect

The greatest value of having a career coach is that you have someone who can challenge what you believe about yourself. You see a career coach will identify what we call “limiting thoughts” or “limiting behaviours”. Putting that in lay terms we help you overcome all your self-doubts, your sabotaging thoughts when it comes to your career.
Many of my clients want to find career happiness. They tell me how they are unhappy, stressed and disconnected from what they do? We work together to work out what happy career looks like. Our conversation will include the best job roles that fit with who they and what they want to do, identifying the perfect place to work, a place that fits with their sense of purpose and career goals.

1. Realistic Career Plan

Career Coach can help you establish career goals with a plan for success that is realistic; matches your goals and the type of career you want. How often have you spoken with someone about your plan, or shown it to someone for feedback and advice. We all know the adage, “if it is not written down, then it wont get done”. Yet most people tell me they have their career plan “in my head”. Sorry what was that adage again? Something about written down and getting done?

One of the keys to a successful career is to have a clear plan written down about where you want to get to and what steps you need to take to get there. Then you need to review this regularly to make sure that you are either on track OR that this is still the track you want to be on. There is nothing wrong with checking in with yourself and making the changes to your career goals.

I will review your resume, education, work experience and current occupation. At Future U Coaching we use modern technology to help discover the best roles for you based on your strengths, work preferences, skills, and education.
Find out more at:  Career Guide

Career coaches have an ethical duty to provide you with honest feedback to ensure your do what is required to achieve your career goal.

How would you feel about getting an expert and professional advice about your professional social media image, your resume, cover letter, answers to key selection criteria, LinkedIn profile, or a portfolio of work samples? Constructive feedback is provided on how to improve the appearance; content and most importantly the messaging. The feedback will be consistent with what human resources expect to see when selecting candidates for a job interview.

2. Interview Coaching

The act of role-playing with a friend or family member the night before a job interview is a good idea. However, there are 3 major problems with this approach:

1. They are not a qualified career coaching professional, so their advice is questionable
2. Your friends or family won’t know what the interviewer is looking for in the interview.
3. The night before is too late, it won’t do you much good

Doing some interview coaching is the best way to excel in an interview because most coaches will teach you things like: the value in your story; what to say in an interview and what not to say: the key words to use in the interview; your examples to illustrate your point; how to control your nerves; how to engage with the interview panel.
People who undertake interview coaching stand out in interviews.

3. Career Coaches are Transparent

Career coaches have the experience to advise whether a career decision is suitable for a person based on their level of education and experience. For example, an individual that has one year of experience in a field with a goal to work in an executive position will receive an outline of how to accomplish it with realistic action steps and timelines. In this example, career coaches work with you to put in place a career plan that will help achieve your goals.

4. Workforce Trends

To stay relevant as a career coach I study current trends of Australia’s workforce, economy and human resources sector. The discussions had with human resources professionals at leading organisations is a direct view of what is happening in the workplace and upcoming trends.

Can you imagine how helpful this information as you plan out your career? Imagine your anguish if you implement a career plan only to realise five years later that the industry is being taken over by robotic technology; blockchain disruption and algorithms. As an example, have a look at the workplace projections for accountancy. It is frightening!!!

5. A Source of Motivation

Career Coaching provides is a safe and confidential place to “offload” stress and to motivate you to find solutions to these issues. A professional that seeks consultation with a career coach can discuss difficult work situations.

One of my clients came to me very confused about where to next. They could not see a career however through coaching there “fog” lifted and they were able to put in place a plan to deal with it. However, they admitted with coaching to drive and motivate them to implement the solutions they probably wouldn’t have.

It doesn’t matter how brilliant a career plan may be if you don’t implement. A career coach you accountable for their short and long-term goals.

6. Your BONUS tip – The Future U Coaching advantage

Future U Coaching uses a technologically advanced online system that generates Career Reports which provides you with an understanding of your greatest strengths; your work preferences; and, most importantly the job roles that best suit you based on your skills. Interest and experience.

This online system provides a fabulous launching pad for planning out your career goals and identifying the roles that are going to give you the highest level of job satisfaction.

Check it out here