What to say in your performance review
In an interview in August 2018, Donald Trump was asked, “What grade do you give yourself so far?” He replied “I give myself an A+. I don’t think any president has ever done
Grieving for your career and how to move on
Are you grieving for your career? You can grieve for your career when you’ve lost a job you love or even if you’ve never found work that brings you purpose and
5 Ways to Take Advantage of The Great Resignation
You may have heard of the "Great Resignation" or “The Big Quit”. It has been a post & conversation topic on LinkedIn and other social media outlets for the last 6 months.
Why Australian businesses should hire more migrants
The research on diversity and inclusion is conclusive and well-understood – it’s good for business, good for communities and good for our economy. So why do migrants face higher barriers to securing
Career hacks I wish I knew in my 20s
Over the next few months, I’ll be rolling out a series of articles with career hacks I wish I knew in my 20s, 30s, 40s and so on. Learning by experience is
6 tips to help you find a job
Job hunting is a skill every professional needs to master to build a successful career. At the best of times, it leaves most people feeling vulnerable but during COVID those feelings have
Why having the right vibe will accelerate your career
I had coffee recently with a client who missed out on a promotion. It was the second leadership opportunity he’d applied for but didn’t get. The feedback from HR was he had
Career hacks I wish I knew in my 40s
By the time you reach your 40s, chances are you have a couple of decades of work experience under your belt. This is a good thing! Having been around the block a
Career hacks I wish I knew in my 30s
By the time your reach your 30s, chances are, your career will be in full-swing (unless you’re still studying or have returned to study). It can be a very exciting time. With
Do I need a career coach? It depends
I know what you’re thinking. A blog titled “Do I need a career coach?” written by a career coach. You’re thinking this is going to be a long-winded sales pitch about how