Case Study 3: Switching careers after 20 years

Career opportunity

Pauline is a qualified accountant who has worked for a number of large organisations in their finance team. By any definition, Pauline had built a “successful career”. But she had to admit to herself, she hadn’t enjoyed working in finance for at least the last eight years.

Career challenges

After years of feeling bored and not enjoying her work, Pauline decided that she couldn’t go like this for another 20 years until retirement. She decided was ready for a career change but didn’t know what that new career would be.

She approached Future U Coaching to help her transition out of the finance world and into a new, as yet unidentified career.

The Coaching Program

Pauline wasn’t sure what he wanted to do next. To help her create a short list, we cultivated a list of career options based on her skills, strengths, traits and work preferences. Pauline completed a questionnaire that became the basis for her Career Guide Report. From this report, Pauline identified she had the skills and preference for more general team leadership roles.

Next, Pauline signed up for The 9-steps to finding my dream career coaching program so she had support to find a new General Manager role. This involved:

  • Your Career Guide Report
  • Creating a matching professional brand
  • Knowing your professional strengths
  • Aligning your LinkedIn & CV to the role
  • Building your skill bank
  • Networking with purpose
  • Owning your expertise
  • Creating your strategy to land your dream career.
  • Discovering your dream job

Career results

Pauline was successful in finding her new dream role. She smashed the interview process because she was clear, genuine and able to connect past experiences to the new job role. She is now happily ensconced in a national leadership role with an international logistics company. The opportunity to use her financial acumen to lead and manage a national team were the key factors that made this new job his dream role.

“There was an instant connection talking to Rob. He asked me the right questions and made me feel at ease. It was like he was reading my mind. I felt stuck in a rut and needed a career change but didn’t know how to go about it until I spoke to Rob who fully understood my situation and suggested the right pathway for me to help me get my dream job. I highly recommend him to anyone who is in a similar situation.”

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