

Nervous About Finding a New Job? Here are 3 ways to build your confidence

Do you feel nervous about finding a new job? You’re not alone. According to a survey by Hired of 2,500 workers across Australia, the UK and USA, 8 out of 10 working adults said finding a new job is stressful (more stressful than visiting the dentist!). Stress caused by job

By |2022-02-17T16:30:23+11:00February 14th, 2021|Career Advice, Coaching|

Know Your Strengths and Find Your Perfect Career

Are you unhappy in your career? Thinking that "this is not what I signed up for"? Or feeling that you don't fit with your job and that this is not what you were put on this earth to do?. If this is the case, then it is time to think

By |2022-02-17T16:30:59+11:00January 30th, 2021|Career Advice, Coaching|

5 Awesome Tips to Start Building Your Network

Last week I was talking about networking with one of my coachees.  They were very worried because they felt they did not have a network.  They understood that a network was important, but they could not identify their network.  They were concerned that a lack of a network would hurt

By |2022-02-17T16:32:17+11:00October 19th, 2020|Career Advice, Coaching|

6 Awesome ways a Career Coach can help you transform your career

Are you unhappy with your job? Do you feel like you are stuck in a career that you don’t enjoy? Turns out, you're not alone. In fact, according to a recent survey of 4800 Australian workers, you're in the majority. According to the survey, conducted by Survey Sampling International on

By |2022-02-17T16:33:56+11:00May 18th, 2020|Career Advice, Coaching|

Coaching and Mentoring: are they two side of the same coin?

An interesting discussion emerged the other day on mentoring and coaching. It led to a conversation on whether mentoring and coaching were fundamentally different or are they simply two sides of the same coin. Is it simply the semantics of definitions that make them seem different? So, who decides on

By |2022-02-17T16:34:09+11:00April 12th, 2020|Career Advice, Coaching|

Don’t panic: smash your job interview

Panic is bad. It is debilitating and the mortal enemy of the job candidate in their first face-to-face meeting. In my experience of interviewing prospective employees, I was constantly amazed by how many, perfectly eligible applicants would ruin their job prospects because of panic. Panic made them sound incoherent and confused;

By |2022-02-17T16:35:07+11:00March 4th, 2020|Coaching, Employment, Interviews|

Reasons to paint a picture during job interviews

The two killer mistakes made by people in interviews are: Not providing enough of the right information (missing the point), or Providing too much information in an unclear, incoherent manner (babbling) Generally, interviewers want to hear clear, coherent and well-structured answers to their questions.  They want to hear answers that

By |2022-02-17T16:35:37+11:00February 28th, 2020|Coaching, Employment, Interviews|

The reason why Trust trumps skills in the process of getting the job

As a career coach, I’ve discovered the reason many people don’t land the job. It is because they don’t understand the core quality an employer is looking for when assessing candidates for a role. When I ask the simple question “What do you think you need to do to be

By |2022-02-17T16:35:49+11:00February 2nd, 2020|Career Advice, Coaching|


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