Shine at your job interview to get noticed
So you want to shine at job interviews. You saw that job and went for it. Updated your CV. Wrote a snappy cover letter that addressed all the key selection criteria. And
Don’t panic: smash your job interview
Panic is bad. It is debilitating and the mortal enemy of the job candidate in their first face-to-face meeting. In my experience of interviewing prospective employees, I was constantly amazed by how many,
Reasons to paint a picture during job interviews
The two killer mistakes made by people in interviews are: Not providing enough of the right information (missing the point), or Providing too much information in an unclear, incoherent manner (babbling) Generally,
The reason why Trust trumps skills in the process of getting the job
As a career coach, I’ve discovered the reason many people don’t land the job. It is because they don’t understand the core quality an employer is looking for when assessing candidates for